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Are we Legally Required to Notify our Insurance Company in Albany, New York if our 22-year-old Son Who is on our Car Insurance Policy Gets a DUI Charge?

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious offense. It puts lives at risk and is a primary cause of accidents each year. When an adult child is charged with a DUI, it is important to notify the auto insurance company about the charges.

Liability and Risks

A key reason that it is important to notify the insurer in Albany, New York is the amount of risk involved. If the company is not informed that a 22-year-old son was charged with drinking and driving, then they are legally allowed to refuse payment if an accident occurs in the future.

Refusing to inform the insurer may result in losing the policy. In general, it is better to explain the situation than to take the risk that the insurer will drop the policy in the future.

Changes to the Policy

After informing the insurer about the situation, the cost of coverage and the details in the policy may change. The risks increase when a driver under the plan is charged with a DUI because it means that the driver is more likely to get into an accident. The car may not be covered if the accident is caused by a similar incident.

If the charges are dropped or the young adult is proven innocent, then it may be possible to retain the same coverage and plan.

It is tempting to avoid the situation when a young adult makes a mistake, but the consequences of avoiding the situation may result in more severe complications in the future. To learn more about the possible solutions that are available after a DUI charge, contact us to talk to an independent agent today.

Will I have to take out a different type of insurance depending on whether I buy a new or a used car in Albany, NY?

When you drive a car in New York, you need some type of auto insurance. The law requires that everyone have at least the state minimum auto insurance coverage, but you may want or need to carry more comprehensive coverage. You can easily work with your NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency agent to work out additional coverage that will provide even more protection than the law requires.

If you buy and finance a new car, the finance company will require you to take out additional auto insurance. Technically, you do not own your car until you finish making all the payments. If you should get in to an accident and cause substantial damage or total your vehicle, the finance company does not want to suffer a loss. They will insist that you carry adequate collision and comprehensive coverage so the car can be repaired or the note can be paid off from the proceeds of the insurance company’s settlement check.

If you own an old car, you may need to decide whether or not it is worth paying an additional premium for collision to cover damages should you get into an accident. If, for example, your car is worth $700 and you have a $500 deductible, the most you could ever hope to collect is $200.

At NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, here in Albany, New York, we have many clients who need coverage but do not want to pay high premiums. We represent many different auto insurance companies and can compare quotes to find you the best rates. Give us a call today to talk to an independent agent.

I left my Government job before becoming eligible for retirement. What are my options regarding my retirement contributions in Albany, New York?

When it comes to your employment there is nothing more critical than getting your retirement in order before the time comes to call it quits. The big problem that some people have is that they do not stay at one job long enough to qualify for any kind of retirement benefits. Here are some things that you can do if you find that you do not have any retirement benefits in Albany, New York.

Your Retirement Options When You Leave Your Job

  • Just because you leave a job with no pension does not mean you do not have options. One of the first things you can do is participate in the 401k program. Most companies have a matching plan that you can have to save money for retirement.
  • Look into whether you are eligible to buy company stock. Some companies allow their people to buy general stock at a discounted rate.
  • Get a life insurance policy that builds cash value. This can give your family and yourself the peace of mind knowing that your funeral expenses are taken care of.
  • You can also look into opening an IRA account for future retirement expenses. An IRA gives you a pretax contribution option to grow your money.

There are a lot of things that you can do in order to build for your retirement once you have left your job. If you have any questions about your insurance needs, then you need to contact your independent agent today. As your agent we can help answer your questions and help you get the coverage you need for when you are ready to retire from being in the work force.

What are the notice requirements for cancellation or non-renewal of a commercial insurance policy by an insurer in Albany, New York?

Just like your auto insurance company in Albany, New York must provide you with notice before they can cancel or choose not to renew your policy, the same holds true for your commercial insurance policy. If you have a business in Saratoga Springs or Schenectady and buy commercial insurance, you can not be denied renewal, or canceled, without first receiving proper notice.

The notification requirements for cancelation are different that the notification requirements for non-renewal of your commercial insurance policy. With cancellation, there are different requirements for policies that have been in effect for 60 days or less and for those policies that have been in effect for more than 60 days.

If your policy has been in effect for 60 days or less, your insurance provider must give you at least 30 days notice before the effective date of cancellation. In certain cases, proper notice may be 15 days or more.

The time may be reduced for notice of cancelation to only 15 days if the reason for cancelation is that you did not pay your premium. Before canceling your policy, your insurer must first notify you that there is a balance due on your premium payment. A second reason for the reduction in the notice time can be if you are convicted of a crime that changes the hazard that you are insured against. You can also be subject to a shorter notification period if fraud or material misrepresentation is discovered either while obtaining a policy or filing a claim on the policy.

For policies in effect for more than 60 days, the general rule is that your insurance provider must give you at least 15 days of notice.

Non-Renewal notification requirements are at least as long or longer than they are when your insurance is canceled. Notice must be at least 60 days, but not longer than 120 days before the expiration date of your policy.

If you would like to learn more about the reasons that your policy can be canceled or proper notification requirements, please give us a call. An independent agent can go over your individual situation and help you acquire, keep and maintain the coverage you need for your business.

My home insurance company in Albany, New York issued a cancellation notice due to unpaid bills. Can I reinstate my policy after the cancellation date if I pay?

If your home insurance company in Albany, New York has issued a cancellation notice due to unpaid bills, you should still be able to pay the past due amount and reinstate your homeowners insurance. Sometimes families have a difficult time paying bills due to a reduction in hours at work or other expenses. If you have missed your home insurance payment, contact your provider and attempt to make a payment arrangement.

In Saratoga Springs or Schenectady, even if the insurance provider must issue a cancelation notice, many companies will try to work with the homeowner to provide coverage. An independent agent can also help to work with the provider to make the payment arrangement or look for new quotes and rates and find a more affordable policy. When living in Albany, New York, homeowners need to protect the structure of the home and personal possessions. It may be possible to find a less expensive policy that still provides the protection you need for all of the items in your home.

As an independent agent we can help homeowners determine the amount of coverage they need and compare rates with several providers to find the best deal. You do not want to let your homeowners insurance lapse and paying the bills on time is essential. So even if you have received a cancelation notice, don’t worry. First contact an agent, then work with a provider to reinstate the policy and make sure you and your family are protected.

Is a Driver in Albany, New York Required to Notify the Auto Insurance Company if he has had a Stroke and is Still Driving?

When a driver in Albany, New York goes through a stroke, it can have an impact on his ability to drive. A stroke has an impact on the brain, which means that it can increase the risk of accidents, even if an individual is still able to move the body easily.

Potential Risks

The risks of operating a car after a stroke are primarily related to the possibility of an accident. The brain may be damaged, which slows down reaction times and makes it harder to react appropriately when another driver is acting a reckless manner.

Even if reaction times are not slowed, the body may not be able to move appropriately. Driving a car after a stroke may put your life and the life of other drivers at risk.

Notifying the Company

Although the situation may not impact driving skills, it is still important to notify the insurance company if you are still driving. The reason is simple: you have a higher risk of having a stroke in the future and you are more likely to get into an accident due to the damage to your brain. Even a small stroke can have a dramatic impact on your brain and your ability to function.

It is important to notify the auto insurance company whenever major medical situations occur because it can put you and others at risk.

Insurers want to know about medical conditions if you are still capable of driving because it helps evaluate the amount of risk and helps them determine if your coverage is appropriate. To learn more about the coverage options and the impact of medical conditions on your policy, contact us to speak to an independent agent today.

Is there an Albany, New York insurance policy that pays off the mortgage when one of the insured dies?

There are insurance plans that will pay off a mortgage when one of the insured dies. Usually your life insurance plan will take care of this type of expense. When you are purchasing a life insurance policy, if this is important to you, make sure that you have enough coverage to take care of the mortgage and leave your loved ones without the burden of that large payment.

If you or your significant other die, it may be difficult to pay all of the bills. If you have a large mortgage payment, you will want to make sure you have an insurance plan that takes care of this expense in the event of a death. Your independent agent can help you determine how much insurance coverage you need and what type of plan will work best in your situation. In Saratoga Springs and Schenectady, life insurance is essential. If the primary wage earner should die, the rest of the family may not be able to make up the difference in the income.

As an independent agent, we can help you calculate the amount of insurance you need and compare quotes to find you an affordable rate. As your family grows in Albany New York, you may need more insurance coverage. If you move to a larger home, you may need to increase your policy. Your independent agent is here to help you plan ahead for your family’s needs and give you peace of mind. You can call us today and we will be happy to discuss your options and answer your questions.

When will an Audit on my Business Insurance Policy be Ordered in Albany, New York?

When you purchase business insurance in Albany, New York, you may worry about when a commercial insurance provider will audit your protection plan. The insurer may order an audit in specific situations, but it does not usually occur at the beginning of a policy or when you have a long period of time remaining before your policy expires.

Cancelling a Policy

If you cancel your commercial insurance policy, then the insurer may order an audit on your policy. The reason is primarily related to verification. It verifies that you cancelled your insurance and that it was not cancelled by a third party. By auditing your policy, the insurer is able to ensure that identity theft did not occur and that you made the decision because you decided to work with a different company or as a result of losses in your business.

End of the Policy

In many cases, insurers will audit your policy when the current contract has expired. Even if you decide to renew your contract and continue working with the same insurer, auditing occurs to ensure that you are still eligible for continued coverage and that the policy is appropriate for your business.

The amount of time before an audit occurs can vary between companies, but in many cases it will take roughly 15 days before the results are available. If you decide to continue working with the same company, then you may be allowed to renew your contract before it expires.

Every company has a different policy and method of handling audits. Although many insurers will audit at specific times, the exact time period and the specific details of a policy may vary. Talk to an independent agent today to learn more about the auditing process.

If my Daughter Rents an Apartment in Albany, New York, Will my Home Insurance Cover her Liability and Property?

When children move out of the home, certain situations are still covered under a parent’s home insurance. Although that is true when adult children move into a dorm at college, they are not usually covered under a plan in Albany, New York if they are renting a house or apartment.

Coverage in the Dorms

During college, your daughter may still be covered under your policy as long as she lives in the dorms and does not rent an apartment. Your home insurance may cover her property because dorms are not considered a new home.

If her personal belongings are stolen, then your insurance may pay to replace the items.

Rental Coverage

If your daughter rents an apartment or house, then she is responsible to obtain appropriate coverage for liability and property. Homeowners insurance will not pay for the damages to her property or any situations associated with liability as long as she is renting the space rather than living in a college dorm.

When your daughter rents an apartment or house, she will want to purchase renter’s insurance. The coverage will help pay for any liability concerns and protect her personal belongings. It is not as expensive as homeowners coverage because the number of risks and the coverage are different. Renters are not responsible to pay for damages caused by fires, floods or similar situations. The landlord will have protection for the building, so renters only need protection for personal belongings and general liability.

Although parents may worry about a young adult who is renting for the first time, their homeowners plan may not provide any protection after a child moves out of the college dorms. Fortunately, coverage is available for renters. To learn more about renter’s insurance and policy options, contact us to talk to an independent agent today.

Can I Make a Vandalism Claim Without a Police Report in Albany, New York?

When a car is damaged or vandalized, it may seem like a straight-forward claim. An Albany, New York insurance company will usually cover the damages, but only when proper measures are taken to prove that the cause of the damage is vandalism.

Making a Report

If your car is vandalized, then you must make a formal police report before you make a claim on your auto insurance. The insurer will want to see proof that your car was vandalized, not damaged from natural causes, an accident or any other situation.

Call the police and file a report. Ask for a copy of the report so that you can send it to your insurer to make a claim. The formal paperwork is proof that your vehicle was damaged in the way that you are claiming and it ensures that your insurer will pay for the damages according to your policy.

Making the Claim

Filing a claim with an insurer may be a simple process. The insurer will usually ask for a report, but it is best to send a copy of the paperwork so that you have the original paper given by the authorities. That helps ensure that if the paper is lost, you will still have proof of the situation.

If you are not sure about the process of making a claim, an independent agent can help you work out the details of your policy and assist you through the process. An agent can also help if you need additional coverage for vandalism.

In most cases, you will need the appropriate proof before you receive funds from your insurer. If you are unsure about the process, then an agent can give you the help you need. To learn more, contact us to talk to an agent today.