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Twin Bridges Insurance Agency

1881 Western Avenue, Suite 210
Albany, NY 12203

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Commerical Auto Insurance Keeps Your Delivery Business On Track

Maybe your Albany, NY business started out in your garage with just your minivan available for deliveries. Now it’s booming and you’ve had to hire a couple employees to keep up with demand.  However, it may also be time to add commercial auto insurance. NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency reminds you why driving your personal vehicle can throw a wrench into your goals.

Commercial Auto Protects Your Drivers

Your personal auto insurance only covers you in the case of an accident. If you have an employee using the van to deliver goods around town, a commercial auto insurance policy will cover their medical bills if they are involved in an accident. Also, it removes any confusion over whose insurance will pay for repairs for the vehicle, even if it was your driver’s responsibility. Instead of waiting for red tape to be sorted out, the van will be repaired and you’ll be back to making money.

Extended Liability Fights off Potential Claims

When your vehicle drives around town with the company logo on the door, there is a perception that there’s a deep pocket paying for the entire production. With commercial auto insurance, you also receive liability coverage generally above the standards required by a personal policy. Your insurance company will be able to handle most greedy claimants without interrupting the cash flow of the business.  It helps to create a confident state of mind for you while protecting your investments and savings accounts.

Running a small business in Albany, NY is certainly not simple.  However, when you purchase your commercial auto insurance from NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, many of your questions and concerns regarding your delivery vans will be addressed by our friendly and knowledgeable agents.

What is a Low Mileage Auto Insurance Policy?

The number of miles that you drive per year can affect your auto insurance rates. Most auto insurers consider a normal number of miles to be anywhere from 12,000 to 18,000 per year. However, not everyone drives this much. You may have multiple cars and one car doesn’t get driven as much. You may work from home. Or you may not work at all. If you drive less than 10,000 to 12,000 miles per year, you may qualify for a low mileage auto insurance policy.

A low mileage auto insurance policy is given to cars or drivers that are not driven often. However, in order to qualify for this discount, you must tell the insurance company approximately how many miles you do drive per year. They may then require you to prove this information, by having an auto shop or police officer sign off on your mileage yearly to ensure you continue to qualify.

This type of policy is a discounted policy. Those who drive less miles are at a decreased risk of being involved in an accident. As such, this minimizes the insurance company’s risk of having to pay out a claim. Because of this, they offer you the discount. However, it is important to note that not all insurance companies will offer this policy to you. Some do not offer it at all and others will only give it to you if you ask, so be sure to ask.

Have you retired? Do you stay at home with your kids? Do you telecommute to work? If so, you may want to inquire about a low mileage auto insurance policy. If you are looking for one, contact NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY. Our friendly and knowledgeable employees can help you find the right policy for you.

7 Safety Tips for Driving Alone

If you must drive alone, particular in the early morning hours or at night, take precautions for your safety. Comprehensive auto insurance coverage from NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY will protect you against accidents. At the same time, you should do your part of staying safe on the road. The following tips can keep you safer when driving alone.

Keep Windows Up and Doors Locked: As much as possible, drive with windows up, and doors locked when traveling early in the morning or late at night. This discourages criminals from trying to force their way into your car.

Focus on Driving: Eliminate distractions to include the use of cell phone or iPod so you can focus fully on driving. Stay vigilant when stopping at lights, especially if you’re in an area with little traffic.

Car Pool: When possible, take advantage of a car pool to travel during early morning hours or at night. There’s safety in numbers. Having a partner or two can discourage criminals from targeting your car.

Fill Gas Tank: Make sure you have sufficient gas to get to your destination and back. You don’t want to get stranded in the middle of nowhere at odd hours.

Maintain Vehicle: Keep up with vehicle maintenance and repairs to avoid unnecessary breakdowns during your night travels. This includes having your tires, fluids, and brakes checked periodically by a certified mechanic.

Keep Cell Phone Handy: Keep a fully charged cell phone with you at all times so you can call police if you’re in danger as well as stay in touch with family and friends.

Maintain Current Auto Insurance Coverage: Be sure your auto insurance is up to date and offers the protection you need.

For information on personalized auto insurance packages, contact an agent at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY.      

How Home Insurance Keeps Albany Properties Valuable

When you think about the value of your property, you likely think about it in terms of your location. After all, that’s what real estate is all about, right? While your proximity to major centers throughout the city or the prestige of your zip code will matter, there’s also another factor that NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency wants you to consider. Home insurance may work as more of a behind-the-scenes influence.

Homes and Time 

Some countries only want things that are brand new, with buildings being torn down that are just a few decades old. Other countries put emphasis on historical buildings that were built to last. There is something to be said for building structures that withstand the test of time, but even homes that have been built with the best craftsmanship can fall prey to problems over the years. Home insurance is what stops the decay through careful repairs and attention. Homes that are treated with  respect not only have more character, but they also tend to sell better when the time comes.

A Collective Effort in Albany NY 

NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency serves the people of Albany NY, and we’re here to tell you that it’s the collective effort that makes all the difference here. When everyone in the neighborhood buys a policy that can cover damages, it means that catastrophic events that effect everyone aren’t so devastating to the town. It’s what will keep your house looking nice and the house next to you (and the house next to that.) Neighborhoods and streets that are well maintained will be the ones that end up commanding the most money. If you’re looking for more information about policies that can protect you, give NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency a call today.

How Often Should You Update Auto Insurance?

Your auto insurance is something that does not change regarding needs, but every so often, you might need to adjust your coverage. There are a few different ways that you can determine how to adjust your auto insurance that can help make the process easier overall. For those in the Albany, NY area, the agents with NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency can help.

In most cases, the only real need to adjust your coverage comes from the changing of cars and the depreciation that comes with the car. Also, as you pay off your car and no longer have to pay a monthly car payment, you might also be able to drop full coverage for liability only. There are some issues that come with this type of policy change, however. When you drop full coverage, your premiums will decrease, but you will also have less coverage in the event of an accident.

If you do have a car that has depreciated, you may want to adjust coverage to help reduce your overall premiums. Another factor that might make it necessary to change coverage is a change in your driving habits. Those drivers that are on the road often might need full coverage as their risk of an accident is going to be higher than someone that only drives once or twice a month. Also, just like your home, any upgrades might change the amount of coverage that you need to be fully covered when you get on the road.

For those in the Albany, NY area, the agents with NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency can help you find the policy that fits both what you can pay and what you need to be fully covered each month when you drive.  

WhyYou Should Inspect Your Roof for Winter

Winters in Albany, NY can get pretty cold.  By now you have probably had your furnace inspected, cleaned your chimney and are staying warm and cozy in your home. Did you know it is also important to have your roof inspected for winter? Per the National Roof Certification and Inspection Association, thirty nine percent of homeowner’s insurance claims are a result of roof issues. At NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, we want you and your family to be safe all winter long. If you aren’t sure if you really need to inspect your roof, perhaps these reasons will persuade you.

A Well-Maintained Roof Can Prevent Costly and Unexpected Repairs

During the winter months, your roof must contend with snow, ice, and hail. It must hold up against heavy falling tree branches covered ice and snow. While roofs are designed to withstand these challenges, sometimes they do get damaged. When damage goes unnoticed, you could be in trouble. A weak spot on the roof during a heavy Albany NY winter storm can lead to roof leaks and water damage. By having your roof inspected or examining it yourself, you will have peace of mind that your home is protected all winter long.

Tips for Inspecting Your Roof

If you decide to take a look at in on your own, there are a few important areas to focus on. First, make sure that all of your shingles are firmly attached and in place. Look for holes or cracks in them. Also, check that the metal flashing is intact and your roof vents are in good condition. If you have questions or need assistance, give one of our friendly agents at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency a call. We are here and ready to help you.

Crossing The Line: Does Your Auto Insurance Change When You Leave Your Home State?

Bags Are Packed – Let’s Go! – But Wait – Are We Insured?

When you are going on vacation, a road trip, or any time that you cross the state line of the state in which you reside the last thing you are thinking of is whether or not your car is insured. NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency agents are trained and equipped to assist you in answering that question way before the first bag is packed. If you handle it first you won’t have to think about it and can focus on the drive ahead. 

The answer to the question has some complexities that is why it is critical to speak with a professional. While some states vary on the state-to-state coverage issue, in general the rule is the same no matter if you live in Albany, NY, the surrounding areas in NY or in other states across the country: your automobile insurance policy will cover you across state lines. The comprehensiveness of this coverage will vary depending on the type of accident you and your car are involved in. Some state laws may supersede aspects of your policy depending upon the incident or accident. 

Another aspect of travel that many policyholders are not aware of is the insurance responsibility in the event that you rent a car. Many purchase extra insurance through the rental company unnecessarily. Contact us to find out what to do before you rent.

NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency is a multi-service agency servicing the Albany, NY and surrounding areas. Contact us today to learn more about what is covered and what is not. It is always better to do this before the accident, before the trip; in short contact us before you need to file a claim.   

Defenses for a Stop Sign Violation

If a police officer pulls you over and accuses you of running a stop sign, you may think that there is no way you can fight the ticket. After all, it is your word against theirs. However, a stop sign violation can result in your auto insurance rates increasing, as well as costing you money for a fine. Fortunately, there are a few defenses you can use for this type of violation. Here are a few defenses you can use for a stop sign violation in the Albany, NY area.

The Sign Was Obstructed

In some cases, a tree or other item may have been obstructing the sign. If you could not see the sign, you may have a defense. Be sure to take pictures of the obstructed sign to prove your case.

The Police Office Wasn’t Positioned To See You Stop

In some cases, you may stop a bit behind the stop sign line. If a police officer is hidden down a side street, they may have not been at the right angle to see you stop a few feet back from that line. You can use this defense in court by taking pictures of the angle the cop would have seen and showing why they could not have seen you stop from there.

It Was Unsafe to Stop

The last defense you have to a stop sign violation is that is was unsafe to stop. Was it pouring down rain and you had someone following behind you too closely when you ran the stop sign? If so, you may have a defense. If you stopped at the sign, the driver behind you may have slid into you and caused an accident. These cases are hard to prove but you may be able to convince a judge you didn’t stop to protect yourself from an accident or injury.

If you have received a ticket for a stop sign violation and your insurance rates have increased because of it, you may be looking around for a new policy. NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, serving the greater Albany, NY area, would love to help you with all of your auto insurance needs. Swing by our office or give us a ring today for a price quote.

What to do in the case that you run out of or are very low on heating fuel.

It’s the middle of the winter, with many days under the zero-degree mark and you wake up to frost on your windows.  You come to the realization that you must have run out of heating fuel.  This is not the end of the world, but you are going to have to take a few additional steps in the case that this is in fact the issue.  Many people in cold climates such as Albany, NY use an auto-filling fuel service so that this does not end up being an issue.  Some of the more frugal folks out there will chance this event to save a few dollars by choosing the most inexpensive fuel pricing using different companies through the winter months.

Here are the steps to take to get your home heated and everything back on track for the rest of the winter.  Whatever you do, don’t panic, everything will be fine.

Fist, be sure that the absence of fuel is the issue here, emergency deliveries and service can add to overall costs for you.

Second, call your furnace service provider.  They will need to come and make sure there is not any damage to the fuel line or filter to safely turn your furnace back on.

Next, call an oil provider to come and fill or put some fuel into the tank as soon as possible.  Depending on the current demand in your area, you may have to call a couple of providers to get fuel in a reasonable amount of time.

Helping you to keep your home safe and happy is our top priority.  Call us at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY, we are here to assist.  

Why You Shouldn’t Increase Your Auto Insurance Deductible to Save Money

If you’ve searched the Internet to find ways to save money on your auto insurance, you’ve likely come across advice to increase your deductible. True enough, you can decrease the cost of your auto insurance by increasing your deductible in Albany, NY, but you shouldn’t do this. In most cases, our team at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency found that it’s simply not worth it.

Increasing Your Deductible Doesn’t Have a Significant Impact on Your Rate

The portion of your monthly rate that based on your deductible is a fraction of the cost of your auto insurance policy. In fact, with each deductible increase, you will save a few dollars each month in the grand scheme of things. However, you will have to pay hundreds more if you experience a loss. When it comes to increasing your deductible, the benefits don’t outweigh the costs.

With a Higher Deductible, You Are Responsible for Paying More

In Albany, NY, a higher deductible means you pay more if you experience a loss. Unfortunately, many drivers don’t consider this until it’s too late. No one wants to pay more following a car accident or the theft of their vehicle simply because they wanted to reduce their monthly rate.

You Can Save More Money Using Other Strategies

The rate you pay for your auto insurance is based on a lot of factors, not simply the amount you agree to pay for your deductible. As such, when you increase your deductible, you are only tweaking a small aspect of your auto insurance policy. There are other ways you can reduce your auto insurance rate without incurring an additional expense, including:

  • Maintaining a safe driving record

  • Avoiding speeding tickets

  • Driving a vehicle with a good safety rating

  • Avoiding accidents

When you employ multiple strategies to reduce the cost of your auto insurance, you increase your savings overall.

At NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, we offer a suite of competitively priced auto insurance products. If you need auto insurance or you want to compare the coverage you have with what we offer, give us a call today.