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Twin Bridges Insurance Agency

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Organization During Retirement: How to Move Forward

Retiring opens up a world of possibilities when it comes to how to handle the next steps, and this type of freedom can either be thrilling or terrifying. Some people vastly underestimate just how long it will take to adjust to a very new lifestyle. If you’re wondering how to plan ahead during this particularly uncertain time, NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency has a few tips for you when it comes to moving forward with your life. 

Set Your Goals 

Retiring is going to be radically different to how you used to structure your days, and that type of major change can be difficult to adjust to at any age. If you live in Albany, NY, you need to be able to chart out your time in a way that makes sense for you. One of your goals should be to get the financial stability that you need to cover anything that may come your way. From unexpected illness to a family emergency, retirement insurance can serve as an extension to your current coverage so you can take care of all your obligations and responsibilities (without dipping into your savings.)

Find Help 

To ensure that all of your finances are properly managed, call NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency today to ask us more about how retirement insurance can work for you. It’s not that pensions and savings aren’t helpful during this time in your life, but you may need more coverage to prepare for those truly rainy days. If you live in Albany, NY, it’s time give us a call to learn more about how our plans can supplement the precautions that you’ve already accumulated. We can help you take advantage of all the potential ways to safeguard your wealth from the disastrous events that may occur. 

Who Needs Commercial Insurance

If you have a business with more than one employee, you will need commercial insurance. The most important aspect of a business is keeping it running. A business can be interrupted as a result of a storm, vandalism, theft, accidents, or other harmful incidences. If your business isn’t generating revenue, your bills will not be paid and you could quickly lose everything. Get in touch with the independent insurance agents at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY. They can offer you a variety of options for your business needs.

Types of Commercial Coverage

  • Commercial Property Insurance – covers the buildings’ property that is damaged as a result of common perils, which may include fire, theft, lightning, and explosions.
  • General Liability – protects against legal actions due to bodily injury and property damages. You may be protected if a customer receives injuries as a result of negligence at your place of business or through regular business operations.
  • Worker’s Compensation – In New York, employers must maintain worker’s compensation insurance for all of their employees, including part-time workers. Worker’s compensation provides for employee’s medical treatments and a portion of lost wages if that person was injured on the job.

Other Options for Commercial Insurance

  • Errors & Omissions – also known as Professional Liability Insurance, it protects those who provide services against claims that are made for negligence or inadequate work. Such professions can be hairdressers, physicians, and lawyers.
  • Commercial Auto Insurance – provides protection for companies who have vehicles that are used for their business. You will need this type of insurance if your business hauls locally or across the country.
  • Employment Practices Liability – is a good option to protect your company from a lawsuit if an employee accuses your company of civil rights violations.

The helpful experts at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency are waiting to take your call when you’re ready to search for commercial insurance. You can also stop by their offices in Albany, NY.

4 Questions You Should Ask Your Agent About Life Insurance

It is very important to get an insurance policy from a renowned company such as NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY. It not only financially secures your family after your demise, it also gives your family a degree of security to meet their financial needs regardless of what becomes of you in the future. There are some key questions you need to ask your agent in order to make a good choice from the many policies available to you. This will also help you to understand the whole process. These questions will also help you to know whether the agent in question is the ideal choice to help with your future insurance needs.

Who Do You Represent?

While some agents work for brokers that represent many insurance companies, others work for a single one. You need to get hold of some information about the company or companies you will be dealing with. You will like to know their financial rating and other information such as, recent legal or financial problems the company may have faced in the past and how long and successful they have been in business.

How Can I Meet My Long-Term Goals And How Will You Assist Me?

Your agent will assist you to choose the insurance plan that will be best for you; a whole life or term insurance policy and to further advocate the policy to benefit your family on the long run. Whether you are planning to leave an inheritance for your children or to put them through college, an agent will help you make the most beneficial decision.

What Are The Benefits Of Choosing One Particular Policy Over Another?

Choosing an insurance broker such as NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY that can help you find good value is very important. Your agent should be able to explain to you why one policy is better for your particular situation compared to other policies. The agent should also be able to explain how the companies your agent is working with differs from others.

In Case of Problem, Who Should I Call?

If you encounter a problem or have any questions about the policy, it is important to know how your issues will be resolved and who to call. Often you have to call a support center but you want to look for a policy where your agent is your point of contact.


Common Overlooked Commercial Insurance Options

Every business is a bit different. With that, every form of commercial insurance should specifically fit the company like a glove. That is why a business owner needs to look into some of the more commonly overlooked commercial insurance options out there. At NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, we’re here to assist you in finding the right commercial insurance options, whether you’re located in Albany, NY or in a neighboring community. 

Professional Liability Insurance

From time to time products and services do not live up to the established standard (often at no fault of your own). This kind of insurance protects you from lawsuits that may occur because of it. 

Property Insurance

You may lease your property and assume you don’t need this kind of coverage. Wrong. This is because property insurance covers not only the land your business is located, but also the equipment and goods inside the building. Chances are you’ve invested a great deal of time and money into the products and hardware found within the facility. So just because you don’t actually own the property doesn’t mean you shouldn’t invest in property insurance. 

Home Based Business Insurance

If you’re like many business owners, you started your company inside your home. However, your home owner’s insurance may not cover the loss of property and goods should something occur to your house. In order to protect your business assets in the event of a break in, flood, fire or other disaster, you need to invest in a home based business insurance. 

No matter the kind of business you run, at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, we want to help protect it. By assisting you in looking over the different kinds of commercial insurance, you’re business in and around Albany, NY will stand better protected, regardless of the industry you’re in. 

Inexpensive Ways to Increase Security Around Your Home

Security features around your home can help to protect your home against people who are looking to break into your home, vandalize your home or even steal packages from your doorstep. However, some security features can be costly. One question that we at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, serving the greater Albany, NY area, are often asked is whether or not there are inexpensive ways to increase security around the home. Here are a few of the best ways to increase security around your home for as cheap as possible. 

Add Flood Lights

Those breaking into a home love to lurk in the darkness. They are less likely to get caught. If there isn’t much lighting around your home, installing floodlights can help to illuminate the area around your home and keep burglars out. 

Install Motion Cameras

Another way to inexpensively beef up security around your home is to install motion cameras. The cameras will begin rolling only when motion is detected. Many thieves look for cameras and if they spot them, they move on and target a different home. 

Reinforce Entry Points

The last tip for inexpensively increasing security around your home is to reinforce your entry points. Thieves are more likely to enter through a door or window on the ground level. Reinforce these windows and doors with extra locks or locking mechanisms to make them harder to enter through. 

When you are increasing security around your home, it is also a great time to take a look at your homeowner’s insurance policy and see if changes need to be made. If you are looking to make changes to an existing policy or purchase a new one in the greater Albany, NY area, NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency would love to assist you. Call us today to schedule an appointment to discuss your home insurance needs. 

Insurance for Customized Vehicles

Most automobile insurance packages are designed to cover cars as they were manufactured. If you need to customize your vehicle for towing, handicap access, or other reasons, how does it affect your insurance policy?

Vehicles for Towing or Plowing

Winter in Albany, NY can bring heavy snows that challenge your shoveling skills. Attaching a snow plow to the front of your heavy-duty truck can help reduce your workload and keep your property clear in storm conditions. Or you may need to attach a trailer hitch to transport equipment or tow other vehicles.

Changing the function of your vehicle may affect your automobile policy in important ways.

  • Customizations can void warranties, leaving you on the hook for repairs or replacements.
  • You may need additional policies or riders to cover specialized equipment. Contact the insurance experts at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency to make sure you have enough coverage.

Modifications for Handicap Access

Disabled drivers and passengers may need customizations to comfortably enter, exit, and operate their vehicles. How does this change their automobile insurance policies?

Per the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, insurance companies are not allowed to charge higher rates to disabled drivers. They can, however, charge more for vehicles that have been heavily modified. This justifies the increased cost of replacing custom installations if an accident occurs.

When meeting with an insurance agent, bring a list of modifications you’ve done to your vehicles. This will help the agent determine what coverage you may need.

Personality Accents

Some people use their cars to express their personality. Decorative elements like spoilers, hub caps, and window tinting generally does not affect automobile insurance policies. However, performance-based modifications might change your agreement. If you redesign your car for racing, off-roading, or another unusual activity, you may not qualify for a regular passenger policy. Talk to your insurance agent about specialized policies for these types of vehicles.

Do you own a customized vehicle in the Albany, NY area? NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency will help you find the right coverage for your car, no matter how you use it.

5 Things to Know About Retirement Insurance

Retirement insurance in Albany, NY may be a confusing term to many people, and this may be because it’s not discussed very often. Find out more about what you need to know from NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency before you make any more assumptions about it. 

Retirement Insurance Doesn’t Stand Alone (Normally)

Unlike health or auto insurance that stand on their own, retirement insurance is normally a part of an insurance package that is presented to an employee long before they ever get ready to leave their position.

Retirement Insurance Is Not Life Insurance 

This special form of insurance is designed to keep up with how you like to live your life, so you’re not dependent on social security as your sole source of support. As inflation continues to impact our market, retirees need to be ready to cover a number of daily living needs. 

Divorce Does Not Necessarily Affect Retirement Insurance 

If your spouse is on your retirement insurance but you get divorced, they may still be considered a part of your policy. Generally speaking, if your marriage spanned over several decades but ended close to the age of retirement, the terms of your policy are the same as if you had stayed married. 

Each Case Is Different 

Just like with other major forms of insurance, your case is dependent on your specific circumstances. This may include the length of your career, your total wealth, your retirement age, and your current lifestyle. 

Who You Work with Matters 

Talk to NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency to find out more about how retirement insurance works. Our staff understands it all and is ready to help you understand it too. Give us a call today if you live in Albany, NY and are looking for some answers. 



Common Mistakes When Insuring Your Business

At NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, we’ve seen our Albany, NY customers make too many commercial insurance mistakes to count. That’s why we’re providing you with this in-depth look at some of the most common business insurance mistakes being made today.

Lacking Proper Vandalism Insurance

Vandalism is a common problem for many businesses and one that can be hard to pay for when it occurs. As a result, it is important to purchase high-quality vandalism insurance to protect your business from this serious problem.

Business Disruption Insurance

When your business suffers from a disruption of its services, this type of coverage helps cover your expenses until you start operating again. It isn’t inexpensive to get this type of insurance, but it is necessary if something serious breaks down.

Lacking Employment Practices Liability Insurance

This type of insurance, otherwise known as EPLI, protects you from serious employment claims. For example, if your employees sue you for wrongful termination, EPLI insurance will ensure that you don’t end up paying thousands or more in a lawsuit.

Hiring Multiple Agents

Anyone who has multiple policies from many different agents is making a huge mistake. You should try to avoid this kind of behavior as it can lead to coverage gaps or cost you hundreds of dollars more every month. Concentrate your commercial insurance with one agent.

Ignoring Cyber Liability

Do you have any type of presence on the internet, such as an online store? Then you need cyber liability. Getting hacked and costing your customers serious money will put you in a difficult, and expensive legal situation. Cyber liability insurance will protect you in this instance.

Don’t Make These Mistakes!

When you work with us at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, you can get the kind of high-quality commercial insurance that your Albany, NY firm deserves. We will help you not only avoid these mistakes but others like them. Let us help you succeed.

Things You Need to Know About Commercial Vehicle Insurance

If your business has commercial vehicles as part of a fleet, then you need to consider getting commercial vehicle insurance. The insurance will need to cover both your commercial vehicle and the driver, even if they are using their own vehicle for work. Their personal insurance is usually not enough to cover any incidents. To better protect your business in Albany, NY, you need to invest in commercial vehicle insurance. These are just a few things to consider when you are looking to purchase some through NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency. 

  • The lowest price doesn’t usually come with the best coverage. While looking for the lowest rate will help your bottom line in the present, if you ever need to use your commercial vehicle insurance, it will hurt you in the long run. You want to find the best policy at the lowest price and just because it is inexpensive doesn’t mean it is a good policy. 
  • Get the right insurance for your vehicles. There are many different types of insurance policies based on the type of vehicles you have and their use. Make sure you get a policy that meets your needs specifically. 
  • You should take the time to screen your drivers. Since you will be putting these people on your policy, in order to keep your costs low, you need to make sure you have reliable drivers. This means they should have a clean driving record. You should make it a standard to check these things before adding them to your policy. 

Now that you have a better idea of what to look for in a commercial vehicle insurance policy, you can start getting quotes. Contact NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, serving Albany, NY, for your free quote and more information. 

Five tips on finding the right home insurance policy for your unique situation

Home insurance is a very important purchase that could have a huge impact on your financial future. 

The following are five things you can do when shopping around for insurance on a new home to ensure that you choose the right policy for your situation:

Discuss the issue with your real estate agent

As a professional in the real estate industry, your real estate agent can probably give you some helpful advice. Your real estate agent should know a lot about you by now, so he or she should have a good idea of what insurance policy you need.

Discuss the issue with the previous homeowner

Another great source of information on effective home insurance is the previous owner. If possible, discuss insurance options with the previous owner and ask about any special considerations you should take into account for insuring this particular home.

Work with an insurance provider of whom you’re already a customer

It’s always a good idea to bundle insurance together. If you already purchase auto insurance from a provider like NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency that also offer home insurance, check out their policy options. Not only can you enjoy a discount for bundled insurance, but you might find that the insurance provider goes out of the way for you out of thanks for your loyalty.

Do your research

There are many different home insurance policies out there. You can’t be sure that you’ve gotten the best one for your unique situation until you’re aware of all teh options.

Consider the risks that apply to your location

One of the most important things you think about is what natural disasters are most likely to cause damage to your new home in Albany, NY.