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Twin Bridges Insurance Agency

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Is Life Insurance Right For You?

Life insurance is a tricky kind of insurance in the way that not everyone needs it right now but at some point, most people will. How do you know if you need to get it now, though? Here at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, serving Albany, NY, we want to make sure that you are always covered with what you need. Answer the questions below to determine if you need to get life insurance at this stage of your life. 

  • Do you have a family that relies on your income? Whether you have a spouse, children, or both, you should consider if they need to have some financial help if anything were to happen to you. If you think they do and do not have a plan to provide that otherwise, life insurance is a good option.
  • Do you have outstanding debts? Contrary to popular belief, there are some types of debt that will live on after you. If you have debt like a mortgage debt or student loan debt, you will want to make sure you have enough life insurance to cover these amounts so your family does not have to take on that additional burden. 
  • Do you have enough money to pay for a funeral? Funeral costs can be a lot these days and that is only expected to get more expensive. Make sure you have enough in life insurance to cover the costs. 

After answering these questions, it should be pretty clear whether or not you need to have life insurance. If it is time for you to make the purchase, be sure to reach out to us here at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, serving Albany, NY for your free quote. We can also help you determine how much you need and if now is the right time to purchase. 

Renovating Your Home in 2019? Update Your Insurance

If your home has suffered wear and tear over the years or you need more space to accommodate your growing family, you may want to renovate your Albany, NY abode. Home renovations provide a practical means for upgrading and restoring a home. If home renovations are in your immediate future, talk to us at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency to see how these renovations will affect your home insurance coverage and cost.

Increase in Home Value   

Major home improvements like a new roof, new bathroom and kitchen remodel will increase the value of your property, especially if you use costly materials to get that “designer look.” You’ll need to update your insurance to cover the new value of your home.

Ideally, you should have enough dwelling coverage to replace your home if it’s lost in a fire or natural disaster. Once renovations are done, your NY Twins Bridges Insurance agent can help you determine how much dwelling insurance you need to fully protect your home.

Protection for New Renovations

You’ll also need to update your policy to add home renovations to your coverage as they weren’t a part of your policy when you first got it.

Discount on Insurance Cost

Home upgrades that improve the safety and security of your home may qualify you for a discount on your home insurance premium. These include upgrades to your electrical, HVAC and plumbing system which can help reduce the risk of fire and water damage. A new alarm system or home automation system will enhance the security of your property which may result in paying less for your coverage. By updating your insurance policy you can take advantage of these savings.

To learn more about home insurance options, coverage and costs, contact NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY.

Is Car-Sharing Changing Auto Insurance Coverage

Car owners are always in need of extra money, and the majority of them are considering listing their vehicle in a car-sharing service program. Online companies are offering drivers the option to rent their automobile to another licensed driver who is in immediate need of transportation. Each transaction is set up through an online service that matches renters with car owners in the same market. The outline of the car-sharing program is simple: the more days you make your car available on the app, the more money you stand to earn each month. 

However, the thought of allowing a total stranger to have access to your vehicle can become an uneasy situation. Most of the concern lies in the area of who is liable if an automobile accident occurs. Car owners must get verification on which party is responsible for the repairs. 

Individual Auto Insurance Policies Won’t Cover Car-Sharing Programs

It’s not shocking to learn that most car insurance providers will not cover an automobile used in a car-sharing program. Their biggest complaint is not knowing the driving history of the individual behind the wheel. Also, providers may have a problem with insurers using their vehicle in a money-making adventure. Agents from NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY can explain how expenses could exceed the cap set within an individual auto insurance policy. They will show how commercial auto insurance might be a better option for this style of driving. 

Car-Sharing Companies Offer a Wide Range of Insurance Coverage

The terms and policies may differ between each car-sharing companies, but all do offer auto insurance (collision, liability and comprehensive) coverage to car owners, renters, and third-party victims. The primary coverage goes into effect during the period when the owner delivers the vehicle to the renter for use and concludes when the automobile is returned. Collision and comprehensive coverage safeguards against theft, vandalism and other damages to the car. Having liability insurance will come in handy if the vehicle is involved in an accident and the renter is ruled to be responsible for the crash.















Life Insurance for Young Adults: 5 Reasons to Get Insurance Now

Life insurance isn’t just for those with families or other dependents. Young adults in the Albany, NY also benefit from comprehensive life insurance policies. Here are several reasons why you should consider a policy from NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency.

  • Life insurance can help you build a brighter future. Whole life policies accrue a cash value that you can borrow against to fund your education, buy property, or start a business. The stored value is also a great way to build an emergency fund to protect you from unforeseen circumstances.
  • You may not have dependents but there are others who depend on you. Roommates, family members, and close friends could be financially burdened by your sudden demise. An active life insurance policy ensures that your final expenses will be covered.
  • Young married couples need life insurance to protect the life they are building together. If one partner passes away suddenly, the funds from the policy will help the surviving partner handle daily expenses, pay for funeral services, and plan for their own future.
  • Do you own a business? Your commercial insurance policies protect your assets while you’re alive, but what happens if you suddenly pass away? A life insurance policy gives surviving business partners and family members more options. They can use the funds to continue operations by hiring extra help to replace you or pay off debts that threaten the business’ profitability.
  • As you get older, the cost to secure adequate insurance coverage rises. Get your policy now to avoid higher premiums in the future.

Life insurance is an important part of any long-term financial strategy. Not sure if a policy fits your plan? Talk to the professionals at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency. We carry life insurance policies for residents in the Albany, NY area. Let us know how we can help you secure a more stable future with life insurance.

Commercial Insurance Add Ons To Consider

No matter the kind of business you have you already have commercial insurance. However, there are some potential holes in your coverage. The last thing you want is to suffer thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars in damage or lost property, only to discover your current coverage does not cover it. When living in and around Albany, NY, the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency can help you determine what commercial insurance add-ons are right for you.

Property Insurance

One misconception regarding commercial property insurance is it covers the building. If you rent your property you may assume you don’t need this kind of insurance. However, this is not the case at all. The property insurance will cover much of the machinery and other equipment you have within the building. While the property owner’s property insurance will cover their building, it won’t cover your equipment in the event of a flood or fire. That’s why you need to protect your business with this insurance add on. 

Window Insurance

Depending on the location of your business you may want to consider commercial window insurance. If you have a physical storefront that has a large number of windows, any kind of damage to the glass can become especially costly. By investing in commercial insurance for your windows you will cut down on the amount of money you’ll need to pay out of pocket. 

When you own a commercial business it is important to properly protect you. You have put your time, money and personal labor into building the business. The last thing you want to do is deal with rebuilding it from the ground up. That is why you need to consider commercial insurance add-ons. When living in and around Albany, NY, the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency can help. 

Why is Home Insurance a Necessity

Owning a home is a great long-term financial option. For those that are in the Albany, NY area, owning a home also comes with a lot of important decisions that need to be made. One important choice that you will have to make is whether or not you should get a home insurance policy. There are several reasons why having a home insurance policy is a necessity. 

Give You Property Coverage

Since your home is a very valuable asset, you need to make sure that it is properly covered by insurance. One of the best ways to do this is by having home property coverage. When you have home insurance, you will receive coverage for a variety of losses including storm damage, fire, vandalism, and even theft. This can give you peace of mind that you are covered during a tough situation.

Liability Protection

You will also receive the liability coverage that you need. If you own a property, you will be taking on responsibility whenever someone enters your home. If they are hurt while on your land, you could be deemed liable. Since this could then lead to a big lawsuit, you will want to have coverage in place to protect you. When you have a home insurance policy, you will also get a liability insurance coverage that will give you the support and protection that you need. 

If you own a home in the Albany, NY area, the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency could be a big help. When you contact the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, the team will be able to explain to you all of the reasons why you should have home insurance and the protections that it provides. This will then help you to choose the right policy for your situation. 

Auto Insurance Discounts You Should Know About

One of the ways to save on auto insurance in Albany, NY is by taking advantage of different auto insurance discounts. Insurers find that drivers who have certain characteristics will have fewer accidents and claims, and they reward customers that have those characteristics, which is where discounts come from. There are different categories of discounts that can offer you different percentages off your premium. Knowing the available discounts, as well as shopping around every year for discounts, can help increase your savings. Discuss any discounts you think you are eligible for with your agent at NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency.

Driving History Discounts: These include accident-free, safe driver, and low mileage rewards.

Customer Loyalty: These are the discounts given to customers who bundle their policy, have early renewal, or purchase multi-car policies.

Demographics: Different demographic groups such as homeowners, low-income earners, seniors, married individuals, and those with good students in the home can save money on car insurance.

Driver Training: Many times, if you take a defensive driver course or do some driving training, you can get up to 10% off premiums. These need to be approved courses and may only be for teens, seniors, or inexperienced drivers.

Equipment Related Savings: The car you drive has an effect on your car insurance rates, and if your car is equipped with certain equipment you can save. Equipment can include anti-lock brakes, an anti-theft system, new car, a green or hybrid car, or different safety features.

Payment: If you pay your bill in full or are set up for auto pay, then insurers know they are going to get their premiums and usually offer a discount. Some insurers may even offer discounts for going paperless.

Contact NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, serving Albany, NY, to get a quote on auto insurance. 


Who Needs Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a very common form of insurance that many people can benefit greatly from. That being said, not everyone necessarily needs life insurance, though most all can benefit from it. For those in the Albany, NY area, the agents with NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency can help you find the policy that works best for you.

Life insurance is something that is beneficial for the person who holds the policy as well as for those that are left behind after sudden death or even an expected death. Life insurance has the ability to give some security for those that are dealing with a loss in that is does provide money to help take care of end of life expenses. For those that are taking a life insurance policy out on themselves, it can also give some peace of mind that if you should pass away unexpectedly, your family is not going to be left with debt and end of life expenses that they have to deal with on their own or have to take out loans to pay end of life expenses.

Life insurance policies can benefit anyone but that does not mean that everyone needs to have one. It may not be necessary per se to have a policy on a child for instance, but it can benefit the parents and can give the child something to borrow against when the policy matures. Put as simply as possible, not everyone needs life insurance but many people can benefit from it with the right insurance policy that fits their needs.

For those in the Albany, NY area, the agents with NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency can help you find the policy that fits your specific needs and that fits your life so that you feel good about the policy you hold. Life insurance can give immense peace of mind if you have the right policy.

Commercial Insurance Requirements in New York

While we often like to think that our businesses will be the exception, the truth is that thousands of businesses of all types and sizes undergo life-changing hardships each year. This is why business owners in the Albany, NY area who take themselves and their work seriously should be properly insured.

If you’re like many business owners, you’ve probably already considered events like fires, flooding and other outside acts that could damage your business. What about events that you could be deemed liable for. Incidents such as these could result in costly lawsuits, and unfortunately, they sometimes cannot be avoided. These incidents could include (but are not limited to) injury to either staff members or non-employees, damage to someone’s reputation or rights, property damage, advertising incidents, and legal costs. At NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, we evaluate the specific needs and potential legal difficulties of all businesses in order to find the commercial liability policy that is the best fit. 

In the Empire State, Commercial Insurance goes by a few different names: Commercial Liability Insurance, Business Liability Insurance, General Liability Insurance, etc. In a nutshell, this form of coverage helps to prevent you and your business from going bankrupt in the event of a costly incident. After all, New York State has a lot of policies that help business owners, but unfortunately, our state government also has quite a few that make it relatively easy for people to file suit against a business. 

Certain coverage amounts are recommended for businesses of different sizes, and it’s worth mentioning now that New York State defines any business under 500 employees as a small business. As a small business, you will, of course, have different coverage needs and concerns than large corporations. 

When you’re ready, it’s time to take the next step. Serving those in the Albany, NY area and beyond, NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency is here to help. Our experts will listen to your needs and help you find the perfect commercial insurance policy to cover your business. 

3 Tips for Buying Home Insurance in Albany, NY

Are you overwhelmed with the process of purchasing home insurance in Albany, NY? If so, you need to use the tips and information here. The fact is, buying insurance doesn’t have to be stressful, but you may need a bit of help to get started. One of the best things you can do is work with a reputable insurance company, such as Twin Bridges Insurance Agency. Some other helpful tips that will make this process a bit easier can be found here.

1. Bundle

One of the first things you should consider doing when buying home insurance is to bundle the policies you already have. For example, you likely have car insurance and life insurance – so why not bundle these policies altogether? The fact is, this is not only convenient, but it can also help you save a significant amount of money and who doesn’t like to save money?

2. Compare Quotes

The next step in purchasing home insurance is to compare quotes. While you may want to bundle with your existing insurance provider, this isn’t going to necessarily give you the best price. As a result, it may be smart to shop around all of your policies. Who knows, you may walk away saving several hundred dollars off of your premiums each year.

3. Work with a Reputable Agent

One of the absolute best things you can do when it comes to purchasing home insurance is to work with a reputable agent. They will be able to help you find the policy that best meets your needs.

If you are ready to purchase home insurance for your Albany, NY home, be sure to use the tips here. Working with NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency serving the Albany area is beneficial as you try to find the right policy for your needs.