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Home Insurance Tips To Consider During The Summer

NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency is an independent insurance agency that serves the Albany, NY community. We strive to help our clients find the insurance coverage that they are looking for, while also maintaining our commitment to providing excellent customer service.

Home Insurance

At NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, we use our relationships with multiple insurance carriers to ensure that our clients find the home insurance coverage that they need. Your home insurance policy will cover your property in the event that it is damaged due to a severe storm or a flood. Your personal items are also covered if they are somehow stolen.

Looking Ahead To The Summer

During the summer months, you’ll likely do some traveling. However, it is important that your home is protected while you enjoy the summer. Here are some things to consider during the summer.

Inviting Family Over

If you plan to invite your friends and family over during the summer for a cookout, make sure that you have liability coverage. Liability coverage will protect you in the event that someone is injured. If you have a pool or trampoline in your backyard, consider adding umbrella insurance coverage. NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency will sit down with you and help you evaluate your options.

Travel Protection

If you are one of many people who enjoy going on vacation during the summer, your home insurance policy will cover you while you are not at home. You can also add coverage to protect your belongings while you are out of town.

NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency Can Assist You

Stop by our office in Albany, NY to learn more information! We will advise you through the process to help you find the home insurance coverage that you need.

How Much Auto Insurance Coverage Do I Need?

The amount of auto insurance coverage you need depends on many factors, including the value of your car, your financial situation, driving habits, and age. If you are not sure, how much you should spend on insuring your vehicle, NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency serving Albany, NY has prepared the list of questions that will help you to decide:

1. What Assets Do I Need?

The more assets you have, the more you should spend on your car insurance. Your liability insurance should be high enough to cover the total value of the net worth. 

2. What Type of Car Do I Drive?

Some cards require more coverage than others. For example, the bodywork of a sports car costs more than repairs of a regular vehicle. Moreover, sports cars are at higher risk to be stolen. Therefore, if you are a lucky owner of this type of car, you need more expensive insurance. 

3. How Much Do I Love My Car?

If you really love your vehicle and want it looked and fixed perfectly, then you should probably consider the fullest range of insurance, including glass, collision, and comprehensive coverage. Yes, this means you will have to spend more money, but it is also a guarantee that your vehicle is fully protected.

However, regardless of how much money you decide to spend on your auto insurance, it is also important to know that the state of New York requires all car owners to carry at least minimum liability insurance. 

If you are searching for the best coverage for your car and want it to be protected, NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency serving Albany, NY is ready to guide you through all the options available. Call us today to talk to one of our experienced agents. 

Who Needs Life Insurance?

It is obvious that we all need homeowners and car insurance. However, what about the life insurance policy? If you have not purchased one yet, it may be because you are not sure whether you need this policy or not. In order to help you to decide, NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency serving Albany, NY has prepared the list of several categories of people, for whom life insurance is a must: 

Married Couples

Many married people mistakenly believe they do not need life insurance until they have kids. However, it is not true. What if one of the spouses died tomorrow? The other one will be left with many debts, including mortgage, car loans, credit card payments, and others. In addition, there are still the utility bills to pay. One income might be not enough to cover all these expenses. That is why married people need to think about getting a life insurance policy. 

Empty Nesters

If your children are grown-ups and have their own lives, you might think about dropping your life insurance coverage. However, it is one of the worst things you can do. First of all, your nest might not stay empty too long – the number of grandparents taking care of their grandkids is constantly increasing. For this category of people, life insurance is important because it is a guarantee of financial safety for their descendants. Moreover, one of the spouses will also need financial help once the other one is gone.

Families With Kids

Most families today are able to survive only with two incomes. If one of the spouses suddenly dies, the family might not be able to meet all the financial obligations – from paying the mortgage to covering daily expenses. Therefore, if you are not sure that your family will be able to keep the same standard of living after your death, you need to get life insurance to protect them. 

We know how confusing and complicated shopping for life insurance can be. The agents of NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency are always ready to help and provide you with all the necessary information. If you are from Albany, NY and you need consultation on life insurance, give us a call today or visit our website. 

Is Your Business a Safe Working Environment?

As a business owner in Albany, NY, you should make workplace safety a priority. By looking after the safety and wellbeing of your employees, you’ll earn their loyalty and trust. Loyal workers are more likely to remain with your company over the long haul. The following tips from NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency can help you establish a safer, healthier work environment.

Implement Safety Policies

Implement safety policies and make sure they’re carried out in your business environment. Appoint someone in charge of evaluating and overseeing these policies to ensure they’re effective in meeting safety objectives.

Pinpoint Health Hazards

Pinpoint health and safety hazards and look for ways to reduce risks that can cause accidents. Get input from your employees on practices that threaten their health or safety in the workplace and take measures to correct them.

Provide Workers with Safety Gear

If your workers need safety gear or equipment, make sure they have the products they need for the job. This includes earplugs, safety glasses, gloves, helmets, and other gear that corresponds to their job. Make sure your workers are instructed on the use of safety gear to protect them from harm.

Reduce Stress in the Workplace

Maintain reasonable work schedules and deadlines to avoid stress in your business environment. Encourage supervisors to establish a good rapport with their team and keep lines of communication open to avoid problems with gossip or discontent.

Purchase Worker’s Comp Insurance

Make sure your business has worker’s comp insurance coverage to protect your employees against accidents on the job. Worker’s comp is an essential aspect of your commercial insurance policy and is required coverage for businesses in Albany, NY.   

For more information about worker’s comp and other commercial insurance options, contact NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency today.

Insurance add on options available for auto insurance

As a driver in the  Albany, NY area, you know that certain types of auto coverages are required by state law. What drivers often miss when purchasing an auto policy, are the various add on policy options that can provide additional coverage to drivers and their passengers. The agents at the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency have put together a list of essential policy options that one should consider when purchasing an auto policy. 

Collision Coverage 

Although your policy will cover damage to other peoples’ vehicles when you are at fault in an accident, it does not cover damage to your car. Collision coverage will cover the cost to repair or replace your vehicle after an accident. If you own an expensive luxury car, this is an essential add on to consider. 

Emergency roadside coverage 

Breaking down on the side of a highway at night can be scary. Emergency roadside coverage will give you the peace of mind that you will be assisted quickly.

Rental car coverage 

In the event your car is in an accident and has to go into the body shop for repair, rental car coverage will reimburse you for the cost of the rental car. 

Rideshare coverage 

If you are a driver for one of the rideshare companies, it is critical to consider this valuable coverage. The coverage provided by your company typically only covers you when you are on a trip with a customer. However, rideshare coverage will cover you in the event you are logged into the application waiting for your next pick up request. 

Pet coverage 

If you ride with your pet, often, you may want to consider pet coverage. Pet coverage will help with the vet bills in the event your pet is injured in an accident. 

If you are interested in learning more about auto insurance, reach out to an agent at the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency today. We proudly serve the Albany, NY area. 

5 Tips for Prepping Your Home for Summer

With summer right around the corner, now’s the time to prepare your home for the season. By planning ahead, you can get everything done in time for the summer holidays. These tips from NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency can help you get started in prepping your Albany, NY home.

Check Your AC

Service your AC to make sure it’s in good working order for the heat of summer.  Have your technician inspect and clean out your unit and change worn out parts. By getting this done in a timely manner, you won’t be caught unprepared when the first wave of hot weather hits.  

Deep Clean the Interior of Your Home

If you’re planning to have family over for the summer holidays, take time to deep clean your home to include kitchen, bathrooms, windows, and fans. Move furniture around to reach those out of the way places and professionally clean carpets to remove deeply entrenched dirt and grime.

Paint Interior Walls

Touch up your walls with a fresh coat of paint to make your home look and feel fresh and clean. You may even want to change your color scheme to create a whole new environment. Painting will enhance your ambiance and set the mood for special occasions with your family. 


Declutter your home by putting winter clothes, winter sports gear, portable heaters, and other winter equipment in storage for the summer. This gives you more space to accommodate visitors and makes your home look and feel more spacious. Decluttering also reduces the risk of accidents and makes your home less of a fire hazard.

Review Home Insurance

Review your home insurance in Albany, NY to ensure you have the protection you need for the busy summer season. For quality home coverage at reasonable costs, contact NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency today.

Tips for Improving Your Life Insurance Coverage in Albany

When you think about life insurance, you probably think of it as a necessity to protect the people that you love the most. It’s difficult to think much past that, partly due to the subject matter and partly because life insurance policies are complicated things to try and untangle.

But ignoring your policy can end up putting you in a worse spot, especially if you were unaware of certain terms of your coverage. NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency wants to give the people of Albany, NY a little more information about how to approach this sensitive topic. 

Check the Limits 

Your policy may have time limits where coverage will expire. Most people use this in the case of their dependents and may terminate coverage when their youngest child comes of age. But a lot can change between the time you set up your first policy and the time that it expires. If you do decide you want coverage to extend after a certain date has passed, opening up a new policy may require more effort to do. 

Savings and Loans 

You may also want to consider how your retirement plan is shaping up as you age. If you take out life insurance coverage for a young family at a young age, you may not even consider the possibility of using your coverage as a makeshift savings account. However, many people enjoy having a safety net in case they need to borrow for potential emergencies. 

If you want to understand more about life insurance policies that can be used in Albany, NY, call NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency today. We’re here to make the process simple enough so you really know what you’re getting into before you settle on a plan. 

How To Shop For Commercial Insurance

Are you planning to purchase commercial insurance? We offer commercial insurance at Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY. However, we advise our customers to follow the steps below in shopping for commercial insurance.

Start by assessing your risks

Remember, you’re purchasing commercial insurance to cover your business risks. So, you need to assess all your business risks. What exactly are your kinds of risks? The kind of business you do will determine your risks. Are you constantly on the road? Do you face the risk of accidents? Do you face litigation risk? Let us know your risks. We will help you decide on the best commercial insurance coverage for your business.

Compare the cost against coverage

We have different types of commercial insurance coverage and each of them differs in cost. We have observed that most business owners consider cost more. That’s why we will advise you not to consider only cost. Compare it against coverage. The more the coverage, the higher the cost.

If you base your choice on low cost, you could select a type of coverage that does not cover much of your business risks. And if the unthinkable happens, your business may not survive it.

Review your commercial insurance every year

We believe that your business will grow and expand with time. Unfortunately, the business expansion comes with extended liabilities. So, you need to re-assess your risks every year and also review your commercial insurance.

For instance, if you run a construction company and you had only one excavator at the time of purchasing your commercial insurance, if you purchase another excavator or any other heavy machinery, you must review your insurance because your existing insurance will not cover your new acquisition(s).

At Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY, we offer professional guidance to all our clients at no extra cost. So, you can contact us anytime or explore our website.

Tips to Protect Your Home from Expensive Water Damage

Water damage is considered the number one cause of weakened foundations. When water invades your home, it eventually causes serious structural damage. Not only does the water itself cause extensive damage, but with water comes a range of other issues, including termites, mold, and mildew, which can cause even more damage to your home in Albany, NY. Just a small amount of water can cause significant damage to your home, so it’s essential that you take the precautions against water damage. NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency has put together a few tips to help protect your home from expensive water damage.

Routinely Check Hoses and Faucets

Hose and faucets with persistent leaks eventually cause mold and mildew, rot and even termites. It is important to routinely check all the hoses and faucets in your home for leaks and repair them as soon as possible. To check for leaks, look for dark spots inside sink cabinets, a rocking toilet, ceiling stains, and drips.

Only Run Water Appliances When You’re Home

As tempting as it is to start the dishwasher or washing machine before leaving for work or to run errands, it’s best to stay home while these appliances are running. The reason you should stay with these appliances is that all it takes is for a hose to break or the washing machine to overflow and you’re instantly facing serious water damage. If you are home when a problem occurs, you’ll be able to act quickly and deal with leaks when they happen, but if you’re away, by the time you get it home, it may be too late to prevent extensive damage. One thing to keep in mind is that just one burst hose has the potential to pump out 500-600 gallons of water into your home within an hour; this can result in a lot of extensive and expensive damage.

Maintain the Plumbing System

There’s nothing better than having access to a shower with high water pressure, but if the water pressure is too high, it may cause problems. The recommended water pressure for residential systems is typically between 40-70 PSI. The excess water pressure can put stress and pressure on the hoses and pipes, which may them to fail. Along with checking the water pressure, it’s also important to routinely check for leaks and pay attention to the signs of potential plumbing problems, such as noisy pipes, rusty water or moisture on walls or floors.

There are several ways your home can experience water damage, so it’s important to pay attention to areas where there is water, including the roof, gutters, plumbing system, and basement. If you do notice a potential problem, it’s essential that you repair the problem immediately.

Residents of Albany, NY interested in learning more information about home insurance should contact NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency.

Will my auto insurance cover unlicensed drivers?

Every driver in Albany, NY is required to be insured at the state minimum levels. Unlike most other states, New York is a no-fault state, which means that the insurance companies reimburse the respective drivers for the damages and injuries in an accident without worrying about who was actually at fault in the accident.

At NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, we help our clients find the best policy and coverage to suit their own needs. Most people don’t feel they need more than the minimum, but some prefer extra coverage in case the claim is more serious or if they want extra kinds of protection.

But what happens if the person in an accident does not have a valid driver’s license, and is not even legally entitled to be on the road? New York allows unlicensed people to register vehicles, but they are not allowed to drive those vehicles until the individuals are properly licensed. Most insurance companies prefer not to sell a policy to an unlicensed driver because it could end up in liability issues for the insurance company.

If you lend your vehicle to a friend without a driver’s license, thinking your insurance will cover any accidents, you could end up being liable for any damages caused by your friend. It may feel unfair, but you need to make sure your friends and relatives are licensed before you lend your vehicle to them.

Driving in Albany, NY is a necessary fact of life for any, and it is important to be protected. If you are worried you may not have enough protection in your own policy, or if you just have any questions, please feel free to call  NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency today.