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Twin Bridges Insurance Agency

1881 Western Avenue, Suite 210
Albany, NY 12203

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Family in automobile

Commerical Auto Insurance Keeps Your Delivery Business On Track

Maybe your Albany, NY business started out in your garage with just your minivan available for deliveries. Now it’s booming and you’ve had to hire a couple employees to keep up with demand.  However, it may also be time to add commercial auto insurance. NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency reminds you why driving your personal vehicle can throw a wrench into your goals.

Commercial Auto Protects Your Drivers

Your personal auto insurance only covers you in the case of an accident. If you have an employee using the van to deliver goods around town, a commercial auto insurance policy will cover their medical bills if they are involved in an accident. Also, it removes any confusion over whose insurance will pay for repairs for the vehicle, even if it was your driver’s responsibility. Instead of waiting for red tape to be sorted out, the van will be repaired and you’ll be back to making money.

Extended Liability Fights off Potential Claims

When your vehicle drives around town with the company logo on the door, there is a perception that there’s a deep pocket paying for the entire production. With commercial auto insurance, you also receive liability coverage generally above the standards required by a personal policy. Your insurance company will be able to handle most greedy claimants without interrupting the cash flow of the business.  It helps to create a confident state of mind for you while protecting your investments and savings accounts.

Running a small business in Albany, NY is certainly not simple.  However, when you purchase your commercial auto insurance from NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, many of your questions and concerns regarding your delivery vans will be addressed by our friendly and knowledgeable agents.