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Twin Bridges Insurance Agency

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I am a Real Estate Agent in Albany, New York, Do I Need to Have Commercial Insurance?

As a real estate agent working in New York, it is usually a good idea to have the appropriate business coverage to meet your needs and keep your company as safe as possible. The key to determining how much insurance you need in Albany or the surrounding areas of Saratoga Springs or Schenectady depends on whether you own the agency or you are working as an agent for another company.

Working for a Company

If you work for an agency, then you will not need as much insurance protection as the owner of an agency. The reason is simple: you have a lower amount of liability than the owner.

Although working for a company means that your policy is limited, you should consider some basic commercial insurance coverage to keep your personal assets as safe as possible. A real estate agent is still responsible for personal actions because the method of managing each agent is based on commissions.

Working Individually

If you own the company or you are working independently, then you may need to take out a larger amount of commercial insurance to protect your business from financial losses. Your level of responsibility and liability increases with the number of risks you may face. Depending on your particular situation and how you run your business, the amount of protection that you need will vary. In most cases, you will want to have a basic coverage plan or additional protection to keep your business from facing financial challenges if a client is injured on the property.

Protecting your reputation and your business requires the right type of policy to keep your company running. To learn more about keeping your business or assets safe, contact us to talk to an independent agent.

I am Divorced. Is my Former Husband or Wife Eligible for a Survivor Benefit From my Retirement Insurance Plan in Albany, New York?

When you got divorced from a former spouse, you may assume that the individual is no longer eligible for a survivor benefit on your retirement insurance plan. The problem is that the situation ultimately determines whether that is a true fact or not.

Length of Marriage

The length of the marriage plays a significant role in whether your ex-husband or wife is eligible for survivor benefit on your retirement insurance plan. If you were married for at least 10 years, then he or she may qualify for the benefit in Albany, New York. If you were only married for a year or two, then he or she may not qualify.

The length of the marriage plays a significant role in the determination of benefits because a long-term marriage will usually allow that individual to obtain certain benefits, even if you remarry in the future.

Marriage of the Other Party

If your ex-spouse remarried, then he or she may not qualify for a survivor benefit. A remarriage will tie his or her finances to the new spouse, which allows you to remove the individual from your plan. To qualify for survivor benefits, he or she cannot be currently married at the time it is possible to make withdrawals.

The same is not necessarily true if you are remarried. He or she may still be eligible for a survivor benefit if you were married long enough according to the specific details of your policy and if he or she is still single when it is possible to make withdrawals.

A divorce does not necessarily mean that your coverage does not apply to your ex-spouse. The circumstances surrounding the situation in Saratoga Springs, Schenectady or similar areas within New York will determine the possibilities. To learn more about benefits your ex-spouse may obtain, contact us to speak to an independent agent.

How do life insurance companies perform risk analysis in Albany, New York?

Life insurance rates are calculated with advanced mathematical formulas that take into account a wealth of information. The insurance companies in Albany, New York draw upon statistics from national databases and use their own local experience to determine rates. They must take into account the mortality (or morbidity) rate, assets and liabilities, market trends and coverage, as well as other factors when performing risk analysis.

Mortality Rate

The mortality rate, or morbidity rate, is actually only a small portion of the overall picture that life insurance companies must consider. They use statistics to determine how long an individual will live, on average. This part of the formula must take into account personal health, occupational hazards, life expectancy in Albany and more.

Assets and Liabilities

Life insurance companies also must consider their own assets and liabilities before issuing a policy. For, companies that are positioned conservatively might be willing to take on more risk, but companies that have many liabilities and few assets might have to curtail the policies they offer. Insurance companies must keep a specific ratio of these, by law.

Market Trends

The premiums life insurance companies do not just sit under a giant mattress. After paying administrative costs and paying out claims, insurance companies invest these premiums. Therefore, insurance companies must be able to forecast market trends and predict how their investments will fare.


Finally, the coverage of a policy directly affects its premium. Insurance companies take on additional risk when you select higher levels of coverage… The premiums must cover this additional risk.

If you would like more information about life insurance, contact us. As an independent agent, we are able to shop around and find the best policy for you.

Does BOP suffice to cover my commercial property or should I consider buying commercial property insurance in Albany, NY?

If you own a business in New York, you’ll definitely need adequate insurance that offers yourself and your business protection from bodily injury or property damage claims. For this purpose, you’ve probably thought about purchasing a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), but should you also opt for commercial property insurance coverage as well?

What is a Business Owner’s Policy?

In addition to coverage for your property, your Albany-based business should also have protection against third-party claims and coverage for both company vehicles and non-business vehicles used by employees. A Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) combines property and liability policies into a single, simplified package. The average BOP policy can also be tailored to suit your business’s needs.

BOPs include a wide spectrum of coverage options for companies, but the most common forms of coverage involve general liability and property insurance:

  • Property insurance under a BOP provides coverage for personal property, permanently attached equipment and structures that you own or lease for your business. It also includes coverage against business interruptions due to a natural disaster.
  • General liability insurance provides protection against third-party claims due to property damage or bodily injury that occurs on your premises or as a result of your operations.

BOP or Commercial Property Insurance: Which One Should I Choose?

Commercial property insurance simply covers your business’ leased and owned physical property and the property of your clients and customers whereas, a BOP covers not just your building and other property, but it also provides general liability and other forms of coverage.

Since a BOP already includes commercial property coverage, you’re better off having the comprehensive protections afforded by one. In addition, you’ll also save money by having all the coverage your company needs in one package. Contact us to get in touch with an independent agent in Albany to further discuss your options.

Should I submit a claim if the loss amount is less than the deductible in Albany, NY?

Filing a claim on your Albany home or auto insurance is the first thing you should normally do in the event of a loss, but what happens when the loss amount is less than your deductible? Should you still file a claim or is it better to take care of your loss out-of-pocket?

How Deductibles Work

Let’s say your insurance deductible is $500 and you suffer about $2,500 in damages to your home or car. That means you’ll have to pay $500 out of your own pocket before your insurance provider covers the remaining amount.

On the other hand, if your losses total $500 or less, your insurance provider won’t cover anything, since there’s nothing over the $500 deductible to cover. In other words, you’ll wind up paying out-of-pocket to cover that loss yourself. Another common scenario is a loss that’s only a couple hundred dollars more than the deductible amount. Paying $500 out-of-pocket just to have your insurer cover part of a $650 claim doesn’t make much sense

Why Shouldn’t You File a Claim?

Depending on your personal situation and the type of loss you’re dealing with, filing a claim may actually cause your rates to increase significantly. In some cases, it may even cause your insurer to drop your coverage. With that in mind, it might not be worth risking either scenario just to recoup a couple hundred dollars over your deductible. If the loss is significantly less than your deductible amount, it’s usually best not to file a claim at all.

But What If Someone Got Hurt?

When a loss involves bodily injury, it’s best to go ahead and file a claim. Otherwise, the injured party could come back and sue you months or even years later. If that happens, your insurer will be under no obligation to defend you in the lawsuit. For more information, contact us to speak to your New York independent agent today.