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What is universal life insurance?

Time to boost your life insurance? You might want to consider universal life insurance, a type of life insurance that provides coverage for your entire life and can also earn you money while doing so.

The good news? Plenty of insurance companies in the Albany, NY area offer universal life insurance policies. And you can shop online for these policies, which gives you the opportunity to compare rates from competing life insurance companies without leaving your computer screen.

Before you shop for this specialized life insurance policy, it’s important to understand what it is. Much like whole life insurance policies, this type of policy provides coverage for the insured’s entire life. Unlike term life insurance, universal insurance won’t expire as long as you continue to make your regular payments on time. When you die, your insurance policy will provide payouts to your beneficiaries.

Universal life insurance policies differ in one key way, though: In such policies, you’ll regularly set aside dollars to invest. The face value of your policy, then, can increase or decrease over your life as the investments behind it rise or fall. When you die, your beneficiaries might receive the face value of your policy or the face value and additional cash from the investment account attached to the policy.

Because this form of insurance offers more benefits, it generally costs more than does basic term life insurance. Because of this, it’s especially important to shop around when looking for a universal policy. Doing this is the best way to guarantee that you’ll pay the lowest rates possible for this life insurance protection.

Shopping for life insurance used to be a chore. It required you to call several different insurers to ask individually about their rates. Today, though, you can shop entirely online, something that will save you valuable time.

What to Do About Insurance When Reentering the Workforce as a Retiree

Here at the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, we have a long history of helping customers from Albany, New York in all age groups with their insurance needs. An independent agent at our agency can provide advice that might just save you some money, especially if you are recently retired and then have a change in employment status. When a person retires from work, they often call their health care provider and report their new status which may lead to changes in their policy.

As a retiree, perhaps you were looking forward to paying lower premiums on your polices as you head towards your golden years. It’s not unheard of though for someone who recently retired to become bored and decide to become reemployed. If you are reentering the workforce as an employee of the federal government, it’s possible there may be options available to you for free or otherwise discounted insurance.

It is true that the United States federal government often provides health insurance for some of its employees but these programs often involve deducting money from the employee’s paycheck. It is possible that a plan through the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency may be more cost effective than the government’s health care options.

There are a number of health plans that are built specifically for government workers. If you are part of the Albany, Saratoga Springs or Schenectady region, you owe it to yourself to stop in to the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency today to find out how we can help you on your path back into the workforce.

What You Need to Know About Joining Your Company’s Worker’s Compensation Policy as a Leader of the Business

The Albany, Saratoga Springs and Schenectady areas of New York have been served by the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency for years. Our agency is used to helping people from all walks of life, including those who are the owner of their own commercial business or are a partner or corporate officer within their company.

Each independent agent at our offices is professional trained on unique situations just like yours. You probably took out a worker’s compensation policy for your business because it made sense to you to have your workers covered in case something should happen while on the job.

You may be wondering though what would happen if you yourself decided that you wanted to be covered under your business’s policy. Would your monthly premium go up? Would it be affected by the amount of money that you personally bring home or would it be affected by your entire payroll?

At NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency, we have the answers to your questions. We can’t give you all of the specific answers in this blog, as each business owner’s situation will be unique.

But if you are located in Albany or the surrounding area, you owe it to yourself and to your employees to give us a call to discuss your worker’s compensation concerns today. Chances are, we may be able to give you an overview of your entire policy and possibly save you some money, in addition to answering your specific questions about your own coverage options. To get started call us today.

Will I have to qualify before I can purchase life insurance for my small business in Albany, New York?

Depending on the type of life insurance policy you choose, you may be able to purchase a policy for your small business in Albany, New York, without needing to qualify by undergoing a medical exam. NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency can help you find a policy if you are in Albany, Schenectady or Saratoga Springs.

As an independent agency, we can help you research life insurance policies that may not require medical exams or medical information. That may be the case with a guaranteed issue life insurance policy, although those policies are typically the most expensive.

Other types of policies, such as a simplified issue life policy, may require some medical information but not an exam. Simplified issue life policies are typically less costly than guaranteed issue life insurance policies yet more expensive than those that require a medical exam to qualify. You may run into exceptions if the amount of life insurance you wish to purchase is very high, in which case an exam may be required for policies that normally would not need one.

Even if you do have to undergo a medical exam to qualify for your small business life insurance policy, the exam is typically brief and only covers basic information. A life insurance medical exam usually takes about 20 minutes, and the paramedic administering the exam can often come to your home or office so you don’t have to go to them. The paramedic may ask a few questions, check your height and weight, take blood and urine samples, and request past medical records.

To learn more about your life insurance options and their qualifications call NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency today.

What is Covered on a Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy in Albany, NY?

As a business owner, it is usually best to obtain a commercial general liability insurance policy to protect the assets of your company from potential losses. Although liability protection in Albany, New York may not seem necessary, it ensures that you will not face financial hardships when accidents occur on company property.

Basic Coverage

The details of any liability protection plan can vary based on the type of business that you own, so the specific coverage can differ between insurers and policies. Regardless of the situation, a basic plan will usually provide protection against accidents that may take place on company property or against injuries from defective products.

A variety of options are available based on the needs of your company. In some cases, the plan may focus on products that you produce while other businesses may focus on potential accidents on company property due to the higher risk of potential accidents.

Finding the Right Plan For Your Business

The best general liability policy for your company depends on your specific concerns and the potential problems that your business may face. You may be held responsible for slip and fall accidents, injuries related to improper use of products if you did not have a warning label, defective products or similar situations that cause injuries.

The right plan for your company will depend on the situations that you may face. Every business has different needs and requirements, but the protection plan ensures that you will not pay for accidents and injuries by selling company property.

Taking responsibility for the injuries that your products, employees or services cause is essential for any company. Contact NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency to talk to an independent agent to learn more about your plan and what is covered.

I left my Government job before becoming eligible for retirement. What are my options regarding my retirement contributions in Albany, New York?

When it comes to your employment there is nothing more critical than getting your retirement in order before the time comes to call it quits. The big problem that some people have is that they do not stay at one job long enough to qualify for any kind of retirement benefits. Here are some things that you can do if you find that you do not have any retirement benefits in Albany, New York.

Your Retirement Options When You Leave Your Job

  • Just because you leave a job with no pension does not mean you do not have options. One of the first things you can do is participate in the 401k program. Most companies have a matching plan that you can have to save money for retirement.
  • Look into whether you are eligible to buy company stock. Some companies allow their people to buy general stock at a discounted rate.
  • Get a life insurance policy that builds cash value. This can give your family and yourself the peace of mind knowing that your funeral expenses are taken care of.
  • You can also look into opening an IRA account for future retirement expenses. An IRA gives you a pretax contribution option to grow your money.

There are a lot of things that you can do in order to build for your retirement once you have left your job. If you have any questions about your insurance needs, then you need to contact your independent agent today. As your agent we can help answer your questions and help you get the coverage you need for when you are ready to retire from being in the work force.

What are the notice requirements for cancellation or non-renewal of a commercial insurance policy by an insurer in Albany, New York?

Just like your auto insurance company in Albany, New York must provide you with notice before they can cancel or choose not to renew your policy, the same holds true for your commercial insurance policy. If you have a business in Saratoga Springs or Schenectady and buy commercial insurance, you can not be denied renewal, or canceled, without first receiving proper notice.

The notification requirements for cancelation are different that the notification requirements for non-renewal of your commercial insurance policy. With cancellation, there are different requirements for policies that have been in effect for 60 days or less and for those policies that have been in effect for more than 60 days.

If your policy has been in effect for 60 days or less, your insurance provider must give you at least 30 days notice before the effective date of cancellation. In certain cases, proper notice may be 15 days or more.

The time may be reduced for notice of cancelation to only 15 days if the reason for cancelation is that you did not pay your premium. Before canceling your policy, your insurer must first notify you that there is a balance due on your premium payment. A second reason for the reduction in the notice time can be if you are convicted of a crime that changes the hazard that you are insured against. You can also be subject to a shorter notification period if fraud or material misrepresentation is discovered either while obtaining a policy or filing a claim on the policy.

For policies in effect for more than 60 days, the general rule is that your insurance provider must give you at least 15 days of notice.

Non-Renewal notification requirements are at least as long or longer than they are when your insurance is canceled. Notice must be at least 60 days, but not longer than 120 days before the expiration date of your policy.

If you would like to learn more about the reasons that your policy can be canceled or proper notification requirements, please give us a call. An independent agent can go over your individual situation and help you acquire, keep and maintain the coverage you need for your business.

Is there an Albany, New York insurance policy that pays off the mortgage when one of the insured dies?

There are insurance plans that will pay off a mortgage when one of the insured dies. Usually your life insurance plan will take care of this type of expense. When you are purchasing a life insurance policy, if this is important to you, make sure that you have enough coverage to take care of the mortgage and leave your loved ones without the burden of that large payment.

If you or your significant other die, it may be difficult to pay all of the bills. If you have a large mortgage payment, you will want to make sure you have an insurance plan that takes care of this expense in the event of a death. Your independent agent can help you determine how much insurance coverage you need and what type of plan will work best in your situation. In Saratoga Springs and Schenectady, life insurance is essential. If the primary wage earner should die, the rest of the family may not be able to make up the difference in the income.

As an independent agent, we can help you calculate the amount of insurance you need and compare quotes to find you an affordable rate. As your family grows in Albany New York, you may need more insurance coverage. If you move to a larger home, you may need to increase your policy. Your independent agent is here to help you plan ahead for your family’s needs and give you peace of mind. You can call us today and we will be happy to discuss your options and answer your questions.

When will an Audit on my Business Insurance Policy be Ordered in Albany, New York?

When you purchase business insurance in Albany, New York, you may worry about when a commercial insurance provider will audit your protection plan. The insurer may order an audit in specific situations, but it does not usually occur at the beginning of a policy or when you have a long period of time remaining before your policy expires.

Cancelling a Policy

If you cancel your commercial insurance policy, then the insurer may order an audit on your policy. The reason is primarily related to verification. It verifies that you cancelled your insurance and that it was not cancelled by a third party. By auditing your policy, the insurer is able to ensure that identity theft did not occur and that you made the decision because you decided to work with a different company or as a result of losses in your business.

End of the Policy

In many cases, insurers will audit your policy when the current contract has expired. Even if you decide to renew your contract and continue working with the same insurer, auditing occurs to ensure that you are still eligible for continued coverage and that the policy is appropriate for your business.

The amount of time before an audit occurs can vary between companies, but in many cases it will take roughly 15 days before the results are available. If you decide to continue working with the same company, then you may be allowed to renew your contract before it expires.

Every company has a different policy and method of handling audits. Although many insurers will audit at specific times, the exact time period and the specific details of a policy may vary. Talk to an independent agent today to learn more about the auditing process.

Whom all can I mention as a beneficiary on my retirement policy in Albany, New York?

When most people in Albany, New York think about saving for retirement, they think about contributing to a 401-K plan through their employer or maybe setting up a Roth IRA account. While those are two good options, there are also ways to build a solid retirement policy by purchasing an annuity or a whole-life insurance policy through an independent agent.

You buy life insurance or establish a retirement policy because you care about someone else and want to make sure that they are well provided for if you are not around to help support them. Whatever type of retirement policy or life insurance policy you may own, or contemplate buying, will have a question asking you to name one or more beneficiaries.

In New York, there is no specification as to whom you can list as a beneficiary on a retirement policy. Usually, people name their spouse, children, relatives or close friends as beneficiaries. You might name your sister in Saratoga Springs or your grown son who resides in Schenectady. You can name just one beneficiary or several beneficiaries. The choice is up to you.

There are two categories of beneficiaries. A primary beneficiary will receive the proceeds of your retirement policy upon your passing. If there are several primary beneficiaries named, each beneficiary will receive an equal share of the proceeds unless you specified a percentage that each individual should get.

If all primary beneficiaries that you named pre-decease you, the next eligible group to benefit from your retirement policy are any contingent beneficiaries that you may have named on your policy. If there are no beneficiaries, the balance in your account will become part of your estate that will need to be settled.

As your independent agent, we want to make sure that you have the right type and amount of coverage so your beneficiaries will be well taken care of for the rest of their lives. Give us a call and we can answer any questions you may have about insurance and planning for the future.