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Twin Bridges Insurance Agency

1881 Western Avenue, Suite 210
Albany, NY 12203

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Buying a Car? Shop Around for Auto Insurance First!

Are you planning to purchase a car? Have you commenced your search for auto insurance yet? If not, now is the right time! At the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency in Albany, NY, we can assist you throughout this journey.

Securing the right auto insurance policy is a vital element of the car-buying process. Starting your insurance exploration before picking your vehicle gives you an ample buffer to find the most suitable policy for your specific requirements. Here’s what you should know about procuring auto insurance for your new car.

Is Auto Insurance a Legal Necessity?

Auto insurance is generally obligated by law in most states. The usually required ‘liability only’ coverage is designed to protect other drivers on the road. This kind of insurance will repair or replace the other driver’s vehicle if you’re at fault for an accident. However, it doesn’t cover repair costs for your vehicle.

Furthermore, if you plan on getting a car loan, your lender will ask for full coverage auto insurance. Knowing if you’ll be securing a car loan ahead of time allows you to rummage around for apt policies before you begin car shopping.

What Does Full Coverage Auto Insurance Encompass?

Full coverage auto insurance provides coverage in several ways. For example, if your car is involved in an accident, your insurance can pay to repair it, regardless of who’s responsible. Full coverage auto insurance also covers the repair costs if your car is vandalized. In the unfortunate event of your vehicle being stolen, your insurance will pay to replace it!

Want to delve deeper into auto insurance? Ready to explore options before you zero in on your dream car? Contact the NY Twin Bridges Insurance Agency professionals, serving Albany, NY. Reach out today to learn more.